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Night soldiers  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Alan Furst
genre: Spy
ISBN: 0006511309

This highly original novel charting the rise of the intelligence services in pre-war Eastern Europe first established Alan Furst's remarkable reputation. Now it is to be reissued in B-format, in a new cover style, alongside his new paperback, The World at Night.

Gennemsnit: 3 (1 Score)

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Boganmeldelser Night soldiers :

CristianHC 2010-09-09 15:26

After several attempts at reading “Night Soldiers” I finally gave up.

I followed Khristo’s journey from Bulgaria to Russia, then to Spain and when I came to France I gave up for the first time, this was a couple of month ago. I tried to read the book on several occasions, but I found it depressive and extremely boring. Finally I gave it a thought and came to the conclusion that “Night Soldiers” was nothing special when Khristo was in Bulgaria, the same in Russia and again in Spain. So would the book change while him being in France? Probably not!
People who want to read about the life of a Bulgarian spy (for the Russians) before WWII should give this book a try, but if you are looking for suspense I suggest looking elsewhere.

I guess I don’t qualify as a proper reviewer so the 3-stars are just symbolic.

Score 3

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