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Gorkij Park  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Martin Cruz Smith
genre: Crime Fiction, Mystery
ISBN: 9788763812412

A triple murder in a Moscow amusement center: three corpses found frozen in the snow, faces and fingers missing. Chief homicide investigator Arkady Renko is brilliant, sensitive, honest, and cynical about everything except his profession. To identify the victims and uncover the truth, he must battle the KGB, FBI, and New York police as he performs the impossible--and tries to stay alive doing it.

Gennemsnit: 5 (2 Score)

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Boganmeldelser Gorkij Park :

CristianHC 2008-07-01 12:26

― Best mystery suspense thriller of the 80's?

I’ve been reading mysteries and a few thrillers for some time now and each time I’ve to face a new author I hope that he/she brings something different. Something that makes me believe that somewhere out there there’re words so brilliantly written that you can once again evoke that same first amazing feeling you got when first experiencing one of your favourite books, or movies or piece of music.
Thanks to “Gorky Park” and Martin Cruz Smith I feel that everything I’ve read before, and I really mean everything, must be re-evaluated having this book as parameter. This book goes beyond the term Crime Fiction. Beyond everything I’ve read before. Only books like “Mystic River” and “A Small Death in Lisbon” can be compared to “Gorky Park”. This is so good!

Arkady Renko is an amazing character that will surely share a place amongst Charlie Parker, Dave Robicheaux and Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro. Terrific!

Score 5

MacLeod 2011-10-01 21:18
Vansinnigt spännande bok. Och för ovanlighetens skull blev filmen de gjorde också riktigt, riktigt bra.
Score 5

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