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Spørg bare Alice  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Anonym Anonym
genre: Ungdom
Year: 1971
ISBN: 8701418327

Alice is 15 years old and appears to be a perfectly normal teenager; she diets, goes out with boys, and gets good marks at school. Without her parents being properly aware, she tries drugs and falls into addiction. The difference between Alice and a lot of other kids on drugs is that Alice keeps a diary.

Gennemsnit: 3,36 (11 Score)

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Boganmeldelser Spørg bare Alice :

epilog 2004-07-24 15:25
Spännande, hemsk och fängslande. Att det är en flickas riktiga dagbok gör den bara än hemskare. Har läst den två gånger och ska nog försöka hitta och införskaffa den.
Score 4

Salamis 2005-02-08 17:45

Alice råkar ut för allt dåligt som det överhuvudtaget är möjligt att råka ut för. Självklart kan jag inte göra annat än att tycka synd om henne, och trots att man redan vet som kommer att hända henne hoppades jag att hon skulle klara sig på något sätt. Huvudkänslan man får av att läsa den här boken är frustration tillsammans med maktlöshet.

Förlaget håller fast vid att historien är sann, men i USA har man placerat den under fiction. Syftet med boken verkar vara att avskräcka unga (flickor) från att använda droger. Hos mig har det nått fram.

Score 4

Openess 2006-04-29 20:10
man kan tycka att den är en aning amatörmässig vissa stycken men andra stycken så är den så mycket välskriven. Att det har hänt på riktigt vill man inte veta när man läser den. Alice skriver väldigt öppet och ärligt om hur hon har det och vad hon tänker. Boken kan kännas lite kort men det vägs utan problem upp av intensiteten i texten, det känns som om man är där, och många delar av boken önskar man att ingen skulle behöva uppleva. Helt läsvärd, antingen för sin egen skull, eller för de som läser i skolan. Dethär är en bok man kan diskutera.
Score 4

Emelie_ 2006-06-01 20:58
Go Ask Alice

The plot of the novel

The book lead in a dairy.
The History about a girl with the name Alice. She write a dairy every day.
Alice is not so popular, she lives in USA with her mother, father, sister and brother.
Alice family love she so much, but the relationship with her parents wasn’t very good in the beginning. Her father never was home, he always worked, and Alice mother either nagged at her or told her to be happy and dont´t care about what other people says and to put her hair up. Because later was anything much better and the family relationship change.
Alice father change to the another job in a other place in USA. Alice most change school, but she like it, and yearn to do it. Alice becomes 15 years old, she didn’t think that was anything special because her life was already a mess. Alice settle to begin a new life when she and her family move, she want have a new life to live. Debbie, Marie and Sharon is her best friends no, but Alice can’t even with them been really she. Alice like to go to the party so much. A boy with name Scott asked Alice with the blind date on Cinema. Obvious want Alice go, and Alice think the movie was fun with Scott.
Alice mother is very careful, and want see Alice to eat healthy, and sensible.
Alice want to mum let live sin own life , because she not lessen to Alice, when she will talk about it. Alice Like to diet, but mum won’t let she diet anymore. She don’t really know why it’s any of her business. Alice can’t understand why she be so stupid and irrational.
Alice go to bought a wonderful little broach to her mother in Christmas present, it cost her nine dollar and fifty cents, but alive think it was worth it. She like her mum very much often.
In the new school Alice start, meet she a friend with name Beth, Beth is a fantastic nice friend. Beth and her family is Jewish. Alice like Beth, she is a true friend, Forever.
This time go and other time come,
When them move begin her new life that Alice has wished, but this life it not that life Alice want have. She meat a People she never ever wish she meat on a party, them lurked she to take drugs and test LSD.
Alice had no friends, but when she started with drugs she got many friends, however, them wasn’t this real friends Alice need. She know she lost them when she stopped to take drugs.
Alice has drank LSD and coke. Alice think everything was beautiful, and she felt great, she was the long time happy as she never had been before.
Alice need someone to talk with. So listened to her response she had to say. And all miserable she feel.
Alice family went in the first place so she stopped using drugs and got to be clean.
Alice died of an overdose just weeks after her 17th birthday.
Score 5

ajdii 2007-01-30 19:27
En mycket bra bok. Den känns. Kanske beror det på att det är en verklig historia. Alice har funnits på riktigt. Jag är lite skeptisk, för jag tror inte att boken hade varit lika bra om den bara hade varit påhittad.
Score 4

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