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Green Eggs & Ham  anmeldelse

Forfatter: Theodor Seuss Geisel
genre: Barnbok
Year: 1960
ISBN: 1571352899

This timeless Dr. Seuss classic was first published in 1960, and has been delighting readers ever since. Sam-I-am is as persistent as a telemarketer, changing as many variables as possible in the hopes of convincing the nameless skeptic that green eggs and ham are a delicacy to be savored. He tries every manner of presentation with this "nouveau cuisine"--in a house, with a mouse, in a box, with a fox, with a goat, on a boat--to no avail. Then finally, finally the doubter caves under the tremendous pressure exerted by the tireless Sam-I-am. And guess what? Well, you probably know what happens, but even after reading Green Eggs and Ham the thousandth time, the climactic realization that green eggs and ham are "so good, so good, you see" is still a rush. As usual, kids will love Dr. Seuss's wacky rhymes and whimsical illustrations--and this time, they might even be so moved as to finally take a taste of their broccoli. (Ages 4 to 8)

Gennemsnit: 3 (2 Score)

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Boganmeldelser Green Eggs & Ham :

Freddi 2011-01-01 11:03
Den klassiska sagan med raden "I am Sam, Sam I am. I do not like gren Eggs and Ham". En väldigt tjatig historia. Sam tycker inte om gröna ägg och skinka. Och detta får vi veta i oändliga versioner tills Sam blir så trött på att folk frågar honom om han tycker om gröna ägg och skinka tills han provar i alla fall.

Ännu en övertydlig sensmoral. Du vet inte om du tycker om maten förrän du har provat.
Score 2

gun 2016-06-22 09:55
This was something that amused me greatly. I like stories in rhyme. This is about green eggs and ham which Sam explains that he does not like. But someone continues to talk about eating, for example, in a tree, train, car, boat, or anywhere else. But in the end Sam tastes the food and discovers that he actually likes green eggs and ham. Wonderfully.
Score 4

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