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On Becoming A Novelist

Författare: John Gardner
Genre: Fakta
Ämnesord: , skriva, författarskap
Utgivningsår: 1983
ISBN: 9780393320039

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'On Becoming A Novelist' contains the wisdom accumulated during John Gardner's distinguished twenty-year career as a fiction writer and creative writing teacher. With elegance, humor, and sophistication, Gardner describes the life of a working novelist; warns what needs to be guarded against, both from within the writer and from without; and predicts what the writer can reasonably expect and what, in general, he or she cannot.

"There are three books I keep on my desk so that I'll have them at the ready at any given moment in my writing life: the Bible, 'Roget's Thesaurus', and 'On Becoming A Novelist'. There is no better book on what it takes to be a writer than Gardner's classic. Period." - Bret Lott, author of 'Jewel'

Utdrag ur boken:
This and nothing else is the desperately sought and tragically fragile writer's process: in his imagination, he sees made-up people doing things - sees them clearly - and in the act of wondering what they will do next he sees what they will do next, and all this he writes down in the best, most accurate words he can find, understanding even as he writes that he may have to find better words later, and that a change in the words may mean a sharpening or deepening of the vision, the fictive dream or vision becoming more and more lucid, until reality, by comparison, seems cold, tedious, and dead.
Medelbetyg: 4 (1 röster)
Bok recensioner av On Becoming A Novelist :
2010-06-19 09:46
En bra guide som ger mycket tankar om skrivande som fenomen och som yrke. Den ger tips om vad man ska undvika och eftersträva som amatör och ung skribent. Gardner skriver på ett lättförståeligt sätt utan att peka finger, men ändå med fast hand. Han har ett språk som flyter och fångar, trots att han här inte skriver skönlitterärt.
Betyg 4

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Köp boken på (betald länk) * Som Amazon-associates tjänar vi pengar på kvalificerade köp.

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