The enigma of arrival tells of a young Indian from the Carribean arriving in post-imperial England and consciously, over many years, finding himself as a writer. It is the story of a singular journey - from one place to another, from the British colony of Trinidad to the ancient countryside of England and from one state of mind to another - and is perhaps Naipaul's most autobiographical work. Yet it is also woven with remarkable invention to make it a rich and complex novel.
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"Later - when the land had more meaning, when it had absorbed more of my life than the tropical street where I had grown up - I was able to think of the flat wet fields with the ditches as 'water meadows' or 'wet meadows', and the low smooth hills in the background, beyond the river, as 'downs'. But just then, after the rain, all that I saw - though I had been living in England for twenty years - were flat fields and a narrow river."